Coconut | Health Benefits of Coconut

A coconut is found in tropical regions. It is famous for more than 4,500 years. In India, people have been using coconuts in different forms. It is considered to be an auspicious fruit in Indian culture according to our Vedas and religious books. Coconut is a foodstuff and medicine too. It has vitamins A, B, C, Calcium, Iron, manganese, selenium, and Phosphorous, etc. in sufficient quantity. It has very high-quality alkaline oil which provides fat to the human body. Protein derived from it is of very high quality and its carbohydrates help in growth.

Health Benefits of Coconut:

  1. Cooling Effects of raw Coconut: Raw Coconut skin provides cooling effects to the body and it is very beneficial to manage gas and acid ailments. It also provides quick energy.
  2. Easily Digestible: It is easily digestible and provides good energy and nutrition. It has diuretic by nature which helps in reducing kidney ailments, bladder infection, and uric acids.
  3. Strengthening and Rejuvenating Agent: It is rejuvenating and strengthening the body due to its high nutrition value. It is also having antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-fungus properties. It enhances the recovery process and provides quick energy.
  4. Develop enzymes and red blood cells: It is very effective to develop enzymes, red blood cells. It is also good for thyroid functionality due to its high calcium, iron, and vitamin B.
  5. Improves Bone Health and teeth: It is very effective for bone health due to high contains Calcium, magnesium, copper, and manganese. These minerals support the development of healthy bone and teeth. Those people have lactose intolerance. They can use coconut as an alternative source to meet daily nutritional requirements.
  6. Beneficial for Diabetes: It is beneficial for diabetic patients due to Magnesium. Magnesium helps to improve insulin secretion. Magnesium plays an important role in muscle functioning. Coconut can help you to regulate blood glucose levels. It also contains potassium and chlorine in the right proportion and both work in synergy. Low potassium can be reasons for type 2 diabetes because it reduces insulin secretion.
  7. Good for Heart Health: It is good for heart health due to selenium and selenium is an important antioxidant for heart health. In your muscles, calcium and magnesium work in such a way with the protein that provides extra strength in contraction and relaxation to heart.
  8. Prevents mouth Cancer: Chewing coconut is effective to cure cancer in the mouth due to its antioxidant property.
  9. Superfood for pregnant woman: A pregnant woman is used coconut daily then the most likely child would be healthy and strong. It provides all nutrients which are required to grow and development of the foetus.
  10. Benefits of Coconut milk: It is extremely beneficial for those suffering from ulcers in the stomach, constipation, colitis, and weak digestion. It is very good for infants.
  11. Provide good fat: Coconut is a good source of saturated fat. It is a good source of health. Pure virgin coconut oil is extracted from the ripe coconut with hard fresh. Hydrogenated coconut oil is not as good as pure virgin oil. Hydrogenated and virgin coconut oil both has an entirely different quality.
  12. Fights bacteria: When we consume coconut, it provides Monolaurin due to available precursor lauric acid in it. It helps to fight against viruses, bacteria, and fungus.
  13. Improves skin health: It contains vitamin A which keeps your skin healthy and young. It contains an antioxidant that slows down the aging process and prevents sun ultraviolet rays. Massage of a few drops of coconut oil on your skin; it protects from harmful radiations and provides the moisturizer to screen. It also functioning of your nerves and muscles.
  14. Enhance Weight Loss: Coconut enhances the body metabolic rate which helps to reduce weight. Most of the time, weight is increased due to malnutrition. So it provides all the nutrition and the body able to synthesize weight reduction enzymes. That is the reason to reduce weight. It also detoxifies the body.
  15. Good for Cooking and Hair: Coconut oil is good for cooking, baking, and frying like some other oils. Coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that will protect the scalp from dandruff, itching which is the primary reason for reducing hair. It is also effective in would heal especially for burning skin.


Coconut should not be used by those people who have high cholesterol levels. Sometimes, its high calcium value may be creating a problem in heart functioning due to a lack of vitamin D3.


In Nature Cure system i.e. Naturopathy Treatment System, Coconut is a good choice to add to your daily life. It has a lot of benefits and comes in superfood quality products. It is very beneficial for pregnant and lactating mothers. It can be used in any age group child, adult, and elderly.

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