Food & Nutrition | Health Benefits of Food & Nutrition

Food and Nutrition:

For the nourishment of the body and fulfilling the deficiencies of the body in this, the intake of food is crucial. By improving the diet alone all diseases may also be treated. That’s why it’s aforesaid that food is medicine. By consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables the body remains free from all types of diseases as a result of nature has fully grown them keeping in view the necessity of that specific season and place.

Health Benefits of Food and Nutrition:

Good nutrition plays an important role in leading a healthy life. Diet along with physical activity can help you to maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of deficiency disorders and chronic diseases i.e. heart disease, diabetes, thyroid, and cancer, etc.  It’s promoting overall health. Now a day, chronic diseases are increasing at a younger age due to unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the right choice for healthy eating and prevent all dormant diseases. Yuvaan Naturopathy & Ayurved Center in Indirapuram Ghaziabad is the best place to consult the Doctor to know more about the health benefits of Nutritional food according to ailments.


Extracting five components through food:

Space  –  By liquid diet

Air  –  Leafy vegetables

Fire  –  Fruits     

Water  –  Vegetables

Earth  –  Grains 

Classification of food has been done by Lord Krishna in Gita into three categories i.e. Satvik, Rajsik, and Tamsik.

Satvik Food:

The food which facilitates long life, intelligence, strength, freedom from diseases, happiness is juicy, greasy, and available all the time, naturally, like to everyone.

 Rajsik Food:

The food which is bitter, sour, salty, very hot, spicy, generating heat, promotes unhappiness and worries and leads to diseases.

Tamsik Food:

The food that is half cooked, non-juicy, with a foul odour, stale and impure.

Important rules for food according to Naturopathy:

  1. Eat only when you feel hungry. Food should be consumed 80% alkaline and 20% acidic.
  2. We should not eat immediately after waking up from sleep.
  3. Eat only as much as would satisfy your hunger.
  4. Unless the first morsel is fully chewed do not take the other one.
  5. In one meal, we do not take too many items of food products.
  6. Dinner should be taken three hours before sleeping and take easily digestible food products at dinner.
  7. There should be a gap of at least five hours between two heavy meals.
  8. While eating need not discuss anything such as professional, social, or domestic problems.
  9. Eat quietly and peacefully, we should not eat in worries, grieving, tired, or in hurry.
  10. Food must be consumed in a balanced diet i.e. Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Natural Salts (Minerals), Roughage (Fibre), and water.
  11. As far as possible eat only uncooked food i.e. fruits, salad, sprouted cereals, etc.
  12. We should not use water while eating. Water should take either 30 minutes before or 40 to 60 minutes after the meal.
  13. We should drink water in sufficient quantity during the day at least 3 to 4 liters
  14. Use flour without straining the chaff, if possible use a multigrain flour.
  15. Drinking buttermilk at the end of a meal is beneficial.
  16. Curd is more easily digestible than milk.

Food products causing diseases:

  1. Soft drink and diuretic drink
  2. Maida and processed food
  3. Preserved food and stored food
  4. Fast foods and Chinese food
  5. Non-vegetarian food and pre-cooked food
  6. White sugar and salt are slow poison
  7. Polished rice, pulses, and processed products need not be used.
  8. Synthetic food and flavours
  9. Reduce the intake of salt, sugar, sweets, spice, and ghee.
  10. Avoid drinking tea, coffee, fried things, smoking, liquor, and consumption of tobacco, etc.
  11. Avoid eating extreme cold and hot things that are harmful to the digestive process.
  12. It is harmful to eat within 10 minutes after urinating.

Food of special quality or superfoods which provides life:

  1. Basil (Shyam and Ram Tulsi both)
  2. Emblimyrobalan (Amla)
  3. Triphala
  4. Neem (Margosa)
  5. Coconut
  6. Coconut water
  7. Honey
  8. Wheatgrass juice
  9. Uncooked food


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