Naturopathy is an ancient Indian treatment system that is very effective to cure and prevent from all types of ailments. In this process, some therapies are being used. Most commonly used therapies in Naturopathy Treatment System are …  

Mud Therapy
Mud Therapy

Mud digests all the excrement, waste, and dirt of the globe however remains pure itself. Excrement buried underground assimilate and become one with mud after a couple of days. Multani mud is extremely helpful for bath tubing and a head bath.

Hydro Therapy
Hydro Therapy

Two-thirds of the physical body is water that is available in every part of the body. The excretion of water from the body may be a continuous method. Once the number of water decreases within the body, thirst is feeling. Thus, once thirsty, water should be taken within the acceptable amount. Hydro Therapy is a very effective in Naturopathy Treatment System

Chromo Therapy
Chromo Therapy (Surya Chikitsa)

Energy received from the sun replenishes micro food, increase vital force and makes one free from diseases. It removes nervous weakness and strengthens the muscles. It balances the number of minerals i.e. calcium & phosphoric, to stay the bones sturdy. It keeps the skin healthy, strengthens organic process and discharge activities.

Air Therapy
Air Therapy

Air has been placed after space. For safeguarding life, nature has provided air in abundance. We should always create most use of pure vitalizing air and spare ourselves from pollution. To stay healthy and disease-free, we should always adopt morning walk & pranayama.

Space Therapy
Space Therapy

The space component is that the base component of the five components. It’s the primary and most helpful components. It’s the minute component. Empty space within the body or empty organs exhibit space component. Observing the sky and sleeping below the open sky generates energy. By fasting, we tend to create use of space component naturally.

Magnet Therapy
Magnet Therapy

Magnet therapy is extremely easy, effective, cheap, and scientific. It has no side effect. During the medical aid, the magnet is applied on foot sole, palms and on the diseased/effective part as per ailments.

Urine Therapy
Urine Therapy

Urine will cure all major diseases. It claimed that those not capable to eat and drink however use their own excrement for many weeks, get eliminate all the diseases from the body.


Fasting may be a part of the most recent manner of life. This is often an efficient means that of maintaining physiological condition or rejuvenating best health. That’s why it’s necessary for ailing and non-ailing too. Because it has exceptional importance from the good health purpose in Naturopathy Treatment System.

Food & Nutrition
Food & Nutrition

For the nourishment of the body and fulfilling the deficiencies of the body in this, the intake of food is crucial. By improving the diet alone all diseases may also be treated in Naturopathy Treatment System. That’s why it’s aforesaid that food is medication. By consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables the body remains free from diseases as a result of nature has fully grown them keeping in view the necessity of that specific season and place.