Vitamin C | Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for life. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that acts primarily in cellular fluids, i.e. in the watery area of the body, such as blood plasma, lung fluid and eye fluid, as well as in between cells. Vitamin C is water soluble and must be replenished everyday. Vitamin C protects against so many diseases like pyorrhea, scurvy, and gum & teeth problems.

Natural Sources of Vitamin C in Naturopathy

Yuvaan Nature Foundation provides the knowledge about the nutrition to the people so that people can take health benefits in their life by consuming the natural nutritional food items. Vitamin C is one of the most important Vitamin to boost our immunity and prevent from many types of diseases related to immunity (i.e. viruses, bacteria, pyorrhea, etc.) in our routine life activity to keep our body healthy and energetic, prevent from many types of diseases or ailments.

Sources of Vitamin C are Orange, Lemon, Sweet Lemon, Guava, Pineapple, Tomato, Amla, Fresh green vegetables, Strawberries, raspberries, Papaya, Aniseed (Saunf), black raisin, Sprouted grains, and Mango, etc.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C (i.e. Functions of Vitamin C)

  1. Formation of Collagen – Collagen is the biological cement that binds cells together in bones, teeth, gums, blood vessels and connective tissue.
  2. Aids in wound healing.
  3. Helps in the absorption of iron that forms your blood.
  4. Acts as an antioxidant.
  5. Regenerate oxidized vitamin E, helping it to return to its active form

Features and Benefits of Natural Vitamin C

  1. It helps form and maintain cells, aids the body’s absorption of iron and acts as an antioxidant.
  2. Good source of Vitamin C is Acerola Cherry in just before ripe.  Acerola cherry is one of the richest known sources of vitamin C.
  3. Consume Vitamin C in the from of fresh fruits and vegetables which will be more effective. 
  4. No need to add any artificial colours, flavours, sweetener or preservatives.

Potential Users:

Anyone who –

  1. Does not eat enough vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits.
  2. Is interested in providing antioxidant action in the body.
  3. Smokes, consumes alcohol or lives in areas of high pollution.  

Note : In Naturopathy Treatment System i.e. Yuvaan Naturopathy & Ayurved System, Vitamin C may play a major role to treat the people i.e. cure the ailments from the roots i.e. Immunity booster, Prevent from oxidation, wounds healing, in Collagen formation, High BP, nervous system, good for blood vessels, good for cardiovascular functions, etc.


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