Eye Ailments | Poor Eyesight | Causes of Eye Ailments

Eye Treatment

Eye Ailments:

Symptoms of eye ailments:

Some of the symptoms of eye ailments are poor eyesight, water is coming out on continuous focus, weak eye muscles, dark circle around the eye, puffy eye, both eye is not open properly, vision is not stable, night blindness, etc.

Causes of defects in eyes:

Eye ailments happen due to poor life style and imbalance diet such as

  • Not sleeping timely in night and wake up late in morning.
  • Consuming too much acidic and agitative food.
  • Taking Fried and spicy food which made of Bread, Maida and refined oils.
  • Excessive hot and cold items being eaten in hurry.  
  • Sleeping immediately after the meal.
  • Watching too much television, lack of exercise, doing work excessively on laptop late in night.
  • Deficiency of vitamin A and natural diet.
  • Any types of injury or diseases like constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

Naturopathy Treatment for Eye Ailments:  

Mainly uncooked food is it’s treatment. The food should contains sprouted wheat and Moong gram, green vegetables, seasonal fruits such as apple, orange, grapes, berries, etc. milk and curds, dry fruits such as soaked almonds, figs, raisin, black raisin, dry dates, walnuts should be eaten a long with their water. Carrot and amla juice are especially very effective for eyes health. Spinach and carrot juice is good for night blindness and improvement of eyesight. Vegetables juice of carrot, cabbage, green vegetable like spinach, mustard green, beat roots, amla, etc. is very effective in eye health.

One spoon triphala soak in water up to 12 hours in mud or glass vessels and strain it, wash the eyes and drink some triphala water.  Jalneti, sutraneti and Netra Jyoti is very effective for eye health and helps to cure eye’s ailments. Akshi tarpana with the medicated ghee is a Panchkarma therapy which is very effective in eye ailments.

Naturopathy Detoxification in Eye Ailments 

Used therapies in eye ailments are hip bath, spinal bath, mudpack on stomach, enema, hot & cold Fomentation on stomach, kunjal, Jalneti, Sutraneti, steam bath. Before going to take treatment consult with Naturopathy Doctor. He may be change detoxification time and therapy being used based upon the patient conditions. For Natural treatment, Yuvaan Naturopathy and Ayurved Center is the best place for Eye Ailments such as poor eyesight, night blindness, weak eye’s muscles, dark circle around the eye, puffy eye, both eye is not open properly, vision is not stable, night blindness, etc. and as well as other chronic & lifestyle diseases.

Yogasana i.e. Simhasana, trataka, bhastrika, pranayama should be practiced. Rotate eye ball 15 to 20 times clock wise and anti clock wise, See the sky up to 5 minutes in night and morning without blinking the eye when tears is about to come then blink the eyes.

By practicing Yogasana, special exercises, detoxification and proper nutritional diet, this types of disorders or ailments can be got rid of completely

Summary of Eye’s Ailments:

For Natural treatment of Eye, Yuvaan Naturopathy and Ayurved Center is the best place for it. Some popular Eye’s Ailments are poor eyesight, night blindness, weak eye’s muscles, dark circle around the eye, puffy eye, watery eyes, both eyes is not open properly, vision is not stable, night blindness, etc. These types of ailments can get cured in Naturopathy from the root very easily. Naturopathy and Ayurveda Treatment is also very effective for other types of chronic & lifestyle diseases and deficiency disorders.


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