Abhyangam (Mediccated Oil) – Rs 800

Abhyangam, a traditional Ayurvedic oil massage, offers numerous benefits. It enhances circulation, promotes detoxification, reduces stress, and improves sleep. This rejuvenating therapy also nourishes the skin, relieves muscle tension, and balances doshas, contributing to overall physical and mental well-being. Regular Abhyangam supports a healthier, more relaxed body and mind. For more details – click here

Akshi Tarpana
Akshi Tarpana – Rs 600
Akshi Tarpana is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma eye treatment where medicated ghee is retained in a dough ring placed around the eyes. This therapy nourishes and rejuvenates the eyes, improves vision, and alleviates dryness, strain, and fatigue. It helps treat various eye conditions and promotes overall eye health and clarity. For more details – click here
Ekang Abhyangam
Ekang Abhyangam- Rs 500
Ekang Abhyangam is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy focused on massaging a specific part of the body with warm, medicated oils. This localized treatment alleviates pain, reduces muscle tension, and improves circulation in the targeted area. It promotes healing, enhances mobility, and provides relaxation, supporting overall health and well-being for the treated region. For more details – click here
Enema (Colon Hydro Therapy) – Rs 500
Enema is a therapeutic Panchkarma procedure that involves introducing liquid into the rectum and colon to cleanse the lower bowel. This treatment relieves constipation, detoxifies the body, and enhances digestive health. It promotes bowel regularity, alleviates discomfort, and supports overall well-being by removing waste and toxins from the colon. For more details – click here
Greeva Basti
Greeva Basti  (Medicated Oil) – Rs 600

Greeva Basti is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy that involves retaining warm, medicated oil in a dough ring placed on the neck. This treatment effectively relieves neck pain, reduces inflammation, and enhances spinal health. It improves flexibility, promotes relaxation, and supports overall cervical health, providing deep relief and nourishment to the neck area. For more details – click here

Greeva Pichu
Greeva Pichu  (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500

Greeva Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where a warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton or cotton cloth is applied to the neck. This treatment alleviates neck pain, reduces stiffness, and improves flexibility. It enhances circulation in the cervical region, promotes relaxation, and supports overall neck health, providing soothing relief from discomfort and tension. For more details – click here

Head Massage
Head Massage  – Rs 400

Head massage, a therapeutic practice, involves gentle manipulation of the scalp, neck, and shoulders. This treatment relieves stress, reduces headaches, and improves blood circulation. It also promotes relaxation, enhances mental clarity, and supports hair health. Regular head massages contribute to overall well-being by balancing physical and mental states. For more details – click here

Head Pichu
Head Pichu  – Rs 400
Head Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy involving the application of a warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton or cotton cloth to the head. This treatment helps alleviate headaches, reduce stress, and promote mental clarity. It nourishes the scalp, enhances hair health, and balances the doshas, providing deep relaxation and overall well-being. For more details – click here
Hijama - Dry Cupping
Hijama (Dry Cupping) – Rs 800

Hijama Dry Cupping is a traditional therapy where suction cups are placed on the skin without drawing blood. This treatment enhances blood flow, reduces muscle tension, and alleviates pain. It is beneficial for various conditions such as muscle stiffness, back pain, and stress, promoting overall relaxation and well-being. For more details – click here

Hijama - Wet Cupping
Hijama (Wet Cupping) – Rs 1000
Hijama Wet Cupping is a traditional therapy that involves creating suction on the skin using cups, followed by small incisions to draw out blood. This treatment helps detoxify the body, improve circulation, and relieve pain. It is used for various conditions, including muscle tension, migraines, and inflammation, promoting overall health and well-being. For more details – click here
Fire Cupping
Fire Cupping – Rs 800
Fire cupping is a traditional therapy where heated glass cups are placed on the skin to create suction. This treatment improves blood circulation, alleviates muscle tension, and reduces pain. It promotes relaxation, detoxifies the body, and can help with respiratory issues and musculoskeletal conditions, supporting overall health and well-being. For more details – click here
Hirdya Basti
Hirdya Basti  (Medicated Oil) – Rs 600

Hridaya Basti is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where warm, medicated oil is retained in a dough ring placed over the heart area. This treatment alleviates chest pain, reduces stress, and enhances heart health. It promotes emotional balance, supports cardiovascular function, and provides deep relaxation and a sense of well-being. For more details – click here

Hirdya Pichu
Hirdya Pichu  (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500

Hridaya Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy involving the application of a warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton over the heart region. This treatment helps alleviate chest pain, reduce stress, and improve heart health. It promotes emotional well-being, balances the doshas, and supports overall cardiovascular function, offering a calming and soothing effect. For more details – click here

Janu Basti
Janu Basti  (Medicated Oil) – Rs 700

Janu Basti is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where warm, medicated oil is retained in a dough ring placed on the knees. This treatment alleviates knee pain, reduces inflammation, and enhances joint flexibility. It is particularly effective for arthritis and joint issues, promoting overall knee health and providing deep relief and relaxation. For more details – click here

Janu Pichu
Janu Pichu (Medicated Oil) – Rs 600
Janu Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatment that involves applying a warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton or cotton cloth to the knees. This therapy helps reduce knee pain, alleviate inflammation, and improve joint flexibility. It is beneficial for conditions like arthritis, enhancing overall knee health and providing soothing relief and relaxation. For more details – click here
Janu Dhara
Janu Dhara (Medicated Oil) – Rs 800
Janu Dhara is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where warm, medicated oil is continuously poured over the knees. This treatment helps alleviate knee pain, reduce inflammation, and improve joint flexibility. It is particularly beneficial for conditions like arthritis, promoting overall joint health and providing deep relaxation and relief from discomfort. For more details – click here
Karan Puran
Karan Puran  (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500
Karan Puran is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma ear treatment involving the application of warm, medicated oil into the ears. This therapy helps alleviate earaches, reduce tinnitus, and remove earwax. It also improves hearing, balances Vata dosha, and promotes overall ear health, providing a soothing and calming effect. For more details – click here
Kati Basti
Kati Basti (Medicated Oil) – Rs 600
Kati Basti is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where warm, medicated oil is pooled in a dough ring placed on the lower back. This treatment effectively relieves lower back pain, reduces inflammation, and enhances spinal health. It promotes relaxation, improves circulation in the lumbar region, and supports overall musculoskeletal well-being. For more details – click here
Kati Pichu
Kati Pichu (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500

Kati Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy involving the application of warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton or cotton cloth on the lower back. This treatment alleviates lower back pain, reduces inflammation, and enhances spinal health. It also promotes relaxation, improves circulation in the lumbar region, and supports overall musculoskeletal well-being. For more details – click here

Nasyam (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500
Nasyam is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where medicated oils or herbal extracts are administered through the nostrils. This treatment clears nasal passages, improves breathing, and alleviates sinusitis, headaches, and allergies. It enhances mental clarity, balances doshas, and promotes overall respiratory health and well-being. For more details – click here
Nabhi Basti
Nabhi Basti (Medicated Oil) – Rs 600

Nabhi Basti is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatment that involves retaining warm, medicated oil in a dough ring placed around the navel. This therapy helps balance the digestive system, relieve abdominal discomfort, and reduce bloating. It enhances digestion, supports gut health, and promotes relaxation by stimulating the body’s central energy point. For more details – click here

Nabhi Pichu
Nabhi Pichu (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500

Nabhi Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy involving the application of warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton on the navel. This treatment helps balance the digestive system, alleviate abdominal pain, and reduce bloating. It also enhances overall digestion, supports gut health, and promotes relaxation by stimulating the body’s central energy point. For more details – click here

Potali Massage
Potali Massage (Medicated Oil) – Rs 1000

Potali massage, an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy, uses heated herbal pouches (potlis) to massage the body. This treatment alleviates muscle pain, reduces inflammation, improves circulation, and promotes relaxation. The herbal ingredients nourish the skin and enhance detoxification, offering a rejuvenating and therapeutic experience for overall health and well-being. For more details – click here 

Prashtha Basti
Prashtha Basti (Medicated Oil) – Rs 800
Prastha Basti is an Ayurvedic treatment involving the application of warm, medicated oil retained in a dough ring placed on the upper back. This therapy alleviates upper back pain, reduces muscle tension, and enhances spinal health. It improves circulation, promotes relaxation, and supports overall well-being by targeting the thoracic region. For more details – click here
Prashtha Pichu
Prashtha Pichu (Medicated Oil) – Rs 800
Prastha Pichu is an Ayurvedic therapy involving the application of a warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton cloth or cotton on the upper back or it can be herbal powder paste. This treatment helps alleviate upper back pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve flexibility. It enhances circulation in the thoracic region, promotes relaxation, and supports overall spinal health, providing soothing relief from discomfort. For more details – click here
Shirodhara (Medicated Oil) – Rs 1200

Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy where a steady stream of warm medicated oil is poured onto the forehead. This soothing treatment helps relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia, and headaches. It calms the mind, balances the nervous system, and promotes mental clarity, deep relaxation, and overall well-being. For more details – click here

Shiro Pichu
Shiro Pichu (Medicated Oil) – Rs 500

Shiro Pichu is an Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatment involving the application of medicated oil-soaked cotton on the head. It effectively treats conditions like headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and hair problems. By nourishing the scalp and calming the mind, Shiro Pichu promotes mental clarity and emotional well-being, offering deep relaxation and stress relief. For more details – click here

Spine Pichu
Spine Pichu (Medicated Oil) – Rs 600

Spine Pichu is an Ayurvedic therapy where a warm, medicated oil-soaked cotton cloth or cotton is applied along the spine. This treatment alleviates spinal pain, reduces inflammation, and improves flexibility. It enhances circulation in the spinal region, promotes relaxation, and supports overall spinal health, providing deep relief and nourishment to the back. For more details – click here 

Udvarthanam (Obesity Massage) – Rs 900

Udvarthanam, an Ayurvedic body massage, involves the vigorous application of herbal powders to the skin. This exfoliating treatment helps reduce cellulite, improve blood circulation, and promote weight loss. It also enhances skin texture, tones muscles, and balances Kapha dosha, leading to a revitalized and rejuvenated body. For more details – click here

Yoni Pichu
Yoni Pichu – Rs 500

Yoni Pichu is an Ayurvedic therapy involving the application of medicated oil-soaked cotton cloth or cotton to the vaginal area. This treatment helps alleviate gynecological issues, reduce inflammation, and promote vaginal health. It provides relief from discomfort, balances hormonal levels, and enhances reproductive health, supporting overall female well-being and comfort. For more details – click here