Diabetes Type 1 | Type 2

Diabetes Treatment

What is Diabetes?

Increase glucose level in blood above the defined limit for a healthy person and excretion of excess glucose in the urine is called diabetes.  This extra glucose is not being used by human body cells because Pancreas either fails to produce enough insulin or the body can’t use the insulin that is produced to metabolize glucose or blood sugar. Glucose is being used for energy inside the cells. The modern medical science considers it to be a disease of a lifetime. But by adopting the Naturopathy treatment system and Nutritional diet, it can be brought under control and people remain healthy life long.

How many types of Diabetes?          

Diabetes is three types that are Type1 (Juvenile onset – insulin-dependent), Type 2 (Non-insulin dependent) and Gestational Diabetes.

 Type 1(Juvenile onset -insulin-dependent)

  1. It occurs in children and young adults before 30years of age. It is rare, only 5 -10% of people have type 1 diabetes.
  2. In type 1 diabetes, Pancreas produces very little or no insulin at all.

Type 2 Non-insulin dependent          

  1. Type 2 diabetes is more common; 90-95% of people have type 2 diabetes.
  2. In Type 2 diabetes, Pancreas produces insulin but the body can’t use insulin effectively due to some reasons.

Gestational Diabetes

  1. It develops during pregnancy and disappears when the pregnancy is over.
  2. Who have had gestational diabetes; they have the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in future later on.

Symptoms of Diabetes:

  1. Frequent urination especially at night. More glucose in the urine than normal. Urine is thick and sticky.
  2. Increased thirst
  3. Constant hunger
  4. Weight loss
  5. Blurred Vision
  6. Fatigue and extreme tiredness is experience.
  7. Frequent skin infection and skin gets dry.
  8. Tingling or numb feet
  9. Slow healing of sores
  10. Mouth tastes excessively sweet.

Diabetes impacts upon the body – Serious damage too many parts of the body i.e.

1.    Heart à Heart diseases and high blood pressure.

2.    Eyes à Loss of eyesight

3.    Kidneys à Kidneys ailments

4.    Blood vessels

5.    Nerves à Paralysis

6.    Gums and teeth à Infection and bad odour in the mouth.

7.    Feet and legs

8.    In women, increased risk of urinal infection and complication during pregnancy

What are the reasons of Diabetes?

  1. Heredity of type 1 diabetes is 2 – 5%.
  2. Heredity of type 2 diabetes is 10 – 15%.
  3. Giving birth to a baby having diabetes during pregnancy.
  4. Air pollution and excessive consumption of liquor and intoxicating products.
  5. Constant consumption of heavy, oily and sweet products, excessive obesity.
  6. Indigestion and constipation.
  7. Lack of nutrition diet.
  8. Too much chemical  & pesticide used in farming.
  9. Water pollution.
  10. Lack of adequate rest.
  11. Not doing proper exercise.
  12. Stress/Tension (60 – 70%) – hatred, jealously, anger, frustration, blame, and selfishness is the disorder of the mind. When these mental defects enter in the body then the hormones made by the endocrine glands become poisonous.  Growth hormones also help in the repairing of any damaged organs. Due to stress all endocrine glands impacted but related to diabetes main impacted glands are Pituitary, Adrenal and pancreas glands that’s why the quality & quantity of insulin and other pancreatic juice/enzymes are degraded.  Due to this glucose builds in the blood instead of being used for energy.

What are the main reasons of Stress?

  1. Death or Divorce of a spouse.
  2. Husband and wife relation is spoiled due to different thought or third person involvement.
  3. Imprisonment
  4. Job Loss
  5. Expenses is increasing but income is stagnating.
  6. Major illness or injury.
  7. Property dispute due to family members partiality.
  8. Children adopt the wrong path.
  9. Not a proper source of income after retirement.

Stress impact on health in two ways

  1. Endocrine system does not work properly. Secretion of insulin and other enzymes is not properly as well as quality is also decreased.
  2. Due to negative behaviours unhealthy eating, smoking and excessive drink etc.  

How to cure Diabetes?

  • First, we need to understand, how insulin work with the glucose?
  • During digestion, Food converts into Glucose and glucose absorbs into the bloodstream. Insulin carries glucose to cells and this glucose burns inside the mitochondria in the presence of oxygen and produce energy. Unused glucose is stored in the liver in the form of Glycogen. Whenever energy is required then liver release stored glycogen in the form of glucose and pancreas release insulin which carries this glucose to cells mitochondria there it burns in the presence of oxygen and produces energy as required by the body.
  • Sometimes, liver releases less glycogen in the form of glucose then your glucose level decrease in the blood that is called Hypoglycaemia.
  • Sometimes, liver releases glycogen in the form of glucose properly and insulin is also properly but cells receptor doesn’t allow this glucose inside the cells to burn in mitochondria then extra glucose and insulin both float in blood.
  • Sometimes, the liver releases excessive glycogen in the form of glucose and pancreas releases more insulin because of more glucose in the blood. In this way, the pancreas has been doing extra work, after sometimes; performance of pancreas degrades which leads to produces less insulin in future. This is also one of the reasons for increase glucose level in the blood.
  • Sometimes, insulin quality is poor which is not capable to carry glucose to cell’s mitochondria. In that case, the pancreas has to release more insulin.  After sometimes, the performance of pancreas degrades which leads to produces less and poor quality insulin in future. This is also one of the reasons of increase glucose level in the blood.

These are the multiple reasons of increase and decrease glucose levels in the blood. During this process mainly three organs involve that is pancreas, liver and cells.  By increasing the performance of these three organs, diabetes can be cured from the root.  Performance totally depends upon removing toxins from the affected organs or body and provide good nutritional food and regular exercise, yoga and pranayama, etc.

Treatment of Diabetic Patients

  1. Hip Bath
  2. Mud pack on abdomen
  3. Hot and cold fomentation
  4. Asanas – Manduk Asanas,
  5. Pranayam – Anulom vilom, Kapalbhati, Ujjayi Pranayam, deep breathing, yoga or start any light exercise.
  6. Morning walk is very effective
  7. Sprouted food
  8. Use seasonable vegetables  & Fruits and vegetables juice
  9. Low fat  diet
  10. High Nutritional diet and anti oxidant

Harmful Food For Diabetic Patient:

Sugar, ice cream, sweets, ghee, butter, cold drinks, fried stuff, non-vegetarian food, liquor and stuffs made of maida.


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